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How to Attract a Leo Man




To attract a Leo man, just appeal to his regal instincts, treat him like a king, and be willing to worship at his shrine. These seven clever seduction tips show you exactly how!


Attracting a Leo man is incredibly easy, provided you follow a few simple seduction rules. Of these, by far the most important is to pile on the flattery by making him think that, in your eyes, he's the most wonderful man in the world. No need to resort to subtleties or go about this in a roundabout way - your sucking up tactics can be as blatant and obvious as you like. Just keep on dishing out the praise and compliments. A male Leo will lap it all up with relish and come back again and again for more. True, a Leo man's pride and vanity can sometimes be hard to take. But it's a huge mistake ever to try to deflate his ego or take him down a peg or two. Criticizing him, making him look stupid or subjecting him to any kind of humiliation will permanently wreck your romantic chances with this guy.


Since the Leo man is an alpha male of the first order, you need to allow him to play the traditionally dominant masculine role. To attract a Leo man, be willing to let him take the lead, rather than trying to call all the shots yourself. He wants to be the one to do the asking out, make the arrangements and generally be in charge of the relationship. So don't make the cardinal error of telling him what to do! You'll win a male Leo's affection more easily by agreeing with his ideas, going along with his suggestions and bowing to his superior authority. Of course, all of this means you'll inevitably have to take a bit of a backseat in this relationship. If this is an issue, think twice before getting too involved with a Leo man, since you'll never be more than second in command.


You can build on tip Number 2 by installing yourself as your Leo man's biggest cheerleader and broadcasting all his talents and achievements for everyone to hear. A Leo man expects total, unwavering dedication and loyalty from his partner, and before he enters into a relationship with you, he will be checking you out very carefully to make sure you fit the bill. Are you someone who will be willing to give priority to his goals and ambitions over and above your own? Do you have what it takes to refrain from competing with him and always let him win? These are the kinds of questions he will be asking himself - and you should be asking yourself too. It's only too easy to convince a Leo man you're the one for him by kissing his feet. But how much self-respect do you risk losing in the process?


Because the Leo man loves to party, making him feel you're good fun to spend time with will boost your chances of seducing him and capturing his heart. Being playful, laughing a lot and always looking as if you're really enjoying yourself will make him want you as a full-time companion. Acting too serious, constantly complaining, or getting into 'heavy' stuff will mark you out as a party pooper in his eyes. To attract a Leo man, glam up, wear your finest adornments and be someone he's proud to have by his side. The Big Cat wants a trophy partner because he knows they will reflect well on him and make him look good too. What he doesn't want, though, is someone who is going to outshine or upstage him. Because he's the one who needs to be the main center of attention, he'll love you much more if you give him the chance to show off a bit, then follow up with a big round of applause.


You should be aware that your attraction rating with a Leo man is directly proportional to the amount of devotion and affection you're willing to lavish on him. Underneath the big talk and bravado, Mr Leo is often a little vulnerable and needs lots of ego stroking in order to feel happy and secure. You'll score extra points with this guy if you're the one who is always there to console him and make it all better when the world has been giving him a hard time. Ostentatious displays of affection, that boost his ego by showing how much you adore and respect him, will go down particularly well with a Leo man. Make it obvious he's the most important thing in your life by showering him with hugs and kisses and you'll have a far better chance of winning a Leo man's love.


The male Leo is essentially looking for a one-man woman and will be turned off if he thinks you're the cheating type. But that said, he'll be more attracted to you if you drop a few hints there might be some other contenders for your affection. Bear in mind this 'Big Cat' loves the thrill of the chase. So the idea of a little bit of competition will  help to inflame his ardor and cause him to fight all the harder to win your love. Don't take it too far though, and make him seriously jealous, or you'll unleash a flood of anger that's impossible to contain. Any kind of two-timing is unforgivable in the eyes of a Leo man and may spell the end to your chances of capturing his heart. Stick by him, however, and he'll pay you back handsomely. Despite his playboy image, the Leo man is likely to be one of the most faithful guys you will ever meet.

Generosity comes naturally to a Leo man - in fact it's one of his most endearing traits. But that doesn't mean he wants to be taken advantage of by freeloaders and gold diggers. By offering to foot the bill on a date, or at least pay your half, you'll prove you share the same spirit of magnanimity as himself. The chances are he won't take you up on it of course, but at least he'll know you're not one of those detestable meanies he tries to avoid. To attract a Leo man it's important to demonstrate your generosity of heart and mind. You'll turn him off if you come across as petty and judgmental, or if you're the kind of person who always sees their glass as half empty rather than half full. Let your positivity and optimism come shining through when you're in his company. Or if you're a bit short on these qualities, start cultivating them now!


Okay, so we all know the Lion King is the easiest of all men to attract provided you’re willing to bow before his throne. But that’s not really where your challenge lies. If you’ve set your sights on something more than just a quick fling with a Leo man, you’ll need to be prepared to keep up your adulation for the long haul – and that’s no mean feat. Constantly bolstering the Big Cat’s ego at the expense of your own can prove rather tedious in the long term.