Born under the Star Sign of Virgo, you're the smartest flirt in the Zodiac!
If you're typical of your Star Sign, your natural seduction style is rather cool and unassuming - perhaps even a little diffident. But what you may lack in confidence or boldness, you more than make up for in intelligence.
For you, seduction is primarily about mental conquest - and no-one better understands the importance of first winning over the other person's mind. You instinctively know how to lure in your prey, drawing on your sharp wit and perceptiveness. Then, by offering some indispensable piece of information or assistance, you prove your unquestionable usefulness to them. Before they know it, you clever old thing, you have them believing they couldn't live without you!
A formidable technique! But how well is it likely to work on the other 12 Star Signs? And how best can you modify it in order to maximize your chances of seduction success?
Flirting with a Leo
To improve your chances with this Star Sign, try raising your game and creating more of a sense of drama and excitement.
Bear in mind that, for Lions, love is a very big number. They expect it to be accompanied by bright lights, rockets firing and a loud fanfare - and what they want is to be aggressively and very obviously pursued.
Your worst move, then, with any Sun Sign Leo is to take an overly cool and cerebral approach - which is guaranteed to get you absolutely nowhere. Your best move is to come on strong, make them feel they're the star of the show and publicly worship at their shrine.
What's important to understand about people born under this Star Sign is that they have a highly developed sense of pride which responds satisfying well to flattery. By far the easiest way to ingratiate yourself with them is to offer them lots of compliments and shower them with attention. In fact the more shamelessly you massage their ego, the greater your chances of seducing them.
The secret of successful flirting is to adapt your technique to the particular Star Sign you're attempting to impress. Get inside their head, know what makes them tick and you're off to an excellent start!
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