'Your Personal Love Profile' Sample for Jennifer Aniston
First impressions are important, so how do you come across in those critical first few minutes when a person you’ve just met makes up their mind about you? Well, probably as someone quite sociable and outgoing - as one might expect of a typical Aquarian! If your birth time is accurate, your Rising Sign is Libra. This means that, no matter what is going on inside, the face you tend to present to the world is a friendly and agreeable one.
You tend to attract others towards you by your immense courage and determination, which enable you to take on - and succeed in - the kind of challenges that many people would consider totally beyond them. With Mars in Scorpio, there's a certain powerfulness about you - a sense you're someone with the will always to get what you want in life - that gives you a special charisma and commands a lot of respect.
What makes you good to talk to is your open-mindedness and objectivity which give people the sense that they can broach any subject with you and just about nothing would shock you. Because you have such a logical and original mind - all down to your Mercury in Aquarius! - you're a clever and witty conversationalist with lots of unusual and interesting ideas. You're also unafraid to say what you really think, however controversial or outrageous. And this outspokenness is something others are likely to particularly appreciate about you.
One of the most endearing things about you - linked to your Sagittarius Moon - has to be your positive, philosophical outlook on life, which enables you always to look on the bright side and keep those around you cheerful and buoyant. With your strong need for emotional freedom - and dislike of too much heavy stuff! - you're quick to throw off negative feelings and are not the type to harbor grudges. This ability to keep things on a light note makes you someone others tend to want to have around.
But perhaps your strongest point where one-on-one relationships are concerned is your directness and assertiveness. With Venus in Aries, when you're attracted to someone, you're not afraid to make the first move; equally you know how to take the initiative to break off a liaison, should it need to be brought to an end.
Indeed, in most of your contacts with others you tend to be the main driving force and the one who normally takes charge. You're not the type of person to allow anyone to push you around unfairly. Your strong need for freedom makes you resistant to being tied down - and in some people's opinion, a little fearful of commitment.
The influence of Uranus on your Venus gives you a willingness to experiment with relationships that are somewhat different from the norm - and means you may find yourself attracted to some very unusual types of partners.
Certainly, you have a tendency to fall in love very easily and quickly. Yet you can also fall out of love just as suddenly, as you soon tire of situations which become rather suffocating or lose their sense of fun. Clearly all of this could make for a bit of instability at times, but that might be a small price to pay for the ongoing excitement which is a major feature of your love life.