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Flirting Tips for Libra with a Leo


Sign Graphic

Born under the Star Sign of Libra, you're the smoothest flirt in the Zodiac!

If you're typical of your Star Sign, your natural seduction style is confident, easy and relaxed. No real need for you to make a big effort in order to lure your prey. You know instinctively how to turn on the charm, quickly creating a sense of warmth and intimacy that very few are able to resist.

As one of the world's great schmoozers, you can sweet-talk just about anyone into believing they're the most important person in your life. Whether or not you really mean it is, of course, open to question. But for the moment at least, they're feeling good, you're the best of buddies - and once again you've proved that you're a master of the art of seduction!

A formidable technique! But how well is it likely to work on the other 12 Star Signs? And how best can you modify it in order to maximize your chances of seduction success?

Flirting with a Leo

Okay, you're pretty much on the right lines here since this Star Sign tends to respond very positively to the spirit of warmth and friendliness on which your flirting style is based.

Bear in mind that for Lions, love is a big dramatic number. They expect it to be accompanied by bright lights, rockets firing and a loud fanfare - and what they want is to be aggressively and very obviously pursued.

Your worst move with any Sun Sign Leo is to take an overly casual or low-key approach - which is guaranteed to get you nowhere. Your best move is to come on strong, make them feel they're the star of the show and publicly worship at their shrine.

What's important to understand about people born under this Star Sign is that they have a highly developed sense of pride which responds satisfying well to flattery. By far the easiest way to ingratiate yourself with them is to offer them lots of compliments and shower them with attention. In fact the more shamelessly you massage their ego, the greater your chances of seducing them.

The secret of successful flirting is to adapt your technique to the particular Star Sign you're attempting to impress. Get inside their head, know what makes them tick and you're off to an excellent start!