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Personalized In-Depth Compatibility and Relationship Reports

Check out our exclusive range of insightful, intelligent and profoundly helpful compatibility and relationship astrology reports, calculated uniquely for you!
Written in the Stars Written in the Stars

Written in the Stars

Relationship Analysis Report
Why were the two of you attracted to each other? What is the purpose and destiny of your relationship?

Discover the fascinating cosmic story of your love affair - from its first origins through to its final outcome - as 'Written in the Stars'!

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The Relationship Oracle The Relationship Oracle

The Relationship Oracle

1 Year Relationship Forecast Report
How will your relationship change over the next 12 months - and will it be for the better or the worse?

When will be the happiest times for the two of you? When are you most at risk of breaking up? When is the right moment to move things onto the next level?

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Starlight and Shadows Starlight and Shadows

Starlight and Shadows

Relationship Strengths and Challenges Report
How likely is your romance to work and what are its secret strengths and challenges?

What are the critical choices you face as a couple that could make or break your relationship?

How do your past-life karmic connections shape and influence your love affair?

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Cupid's Promise Cupid's Promise

Cupid's Promise

Transform your love life and all of your personal relationships!

See yourself as others really see you and discover your true relating strengths – as well as your weaknesses and vulnerabilities!

Become the master of your own romantic destiny and claim the love and happiness that are rightfully yours!

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Sympatico Sympatico


Take an intimate guided tour of your partner’s heart, mind and soul and get eye-opening insights into their TRUE romantic nature!

From the emotional to the practical, from the delightful to the disagreeable, find out everything you need to know about your lover’s long-term relationship potential!

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Cycles of Destiny Cycles of Destiny

Cycles of Destiny

2 YEAR Personal Forecast Report
What do love, fate and fortune hold in store for you over the next 24 months?

How will the movements of the major planets shape your upcoming future?

When are your luckiest periods - and when do you need to take a little extra care?

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The Cassandra The Cassandra

The Cassandra

Unlock the secret knowledge that will keep your partner’s passion burning brightly throughout the coming year – come what may!

Discover the right moments to make them fall more deeply in love with you. Find out, too, when they are most likely to cheat!

Stay one step ahead of your lover’s evolving moods and desires to make the very best of the good times ahead, while also preparing for potential trouble spots!

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