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George Clooney Finally Gets Married!


photoCry your heart out, girls – George Clooney, one of the world’s most eligible bachelors, is officially unavailable from now on! The Taurean heartthrob, who famously pledged he would never get married again – and even wagered $100,000 with Michelle Pfeiffer on the strength of it – has finally tied the knot.

Every Woman's Dream Date!

Consistently featuring in the ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ listings, ‘Gorgeous George’ has always been every woman’s dream date – and he sure has dated some! Yet having relentlessly worked his way through a bevy of Hollywood’s most beautiful ladies – apart from his brief marriage to actress Talia Balsam – he has always studiously avoided getting himself tied down. That is until now!

His lucky bride is beautiful Aquarian, Amal Alamuddin, a trilingual, London based barrister specializing in international law and human rights (so exceptionally bright!). But whoa there, Taurus and Aquarius? Surely that’s not the most compatible of Star Signs matches!

True, Earth sign Taurus is often a little too conservative and conventionally-minded for the forward thinking, freedom loving Air sign, Aquarius. What’s more, because both of these ‘Fixed’ signs tend to be extremely inflexible, there’s a risk of major power struggles in the event of disagreements.

A Meeting of Hearts and Minds

But take a look beyond this pair’s Star Signs, and there are some much more interesting contact points between their birth charts. Of these, by far the most important is the meeting of hearts and minds symbolized by George’s Moon conjunct Amal’s Mercury in down to earth, upwardly mobile Capricorn.

Her structured, analytical thinking marries well with his disciplined, pragmatic feeling nature, with both of them sharing a highly ambitious, status-conscious outlook on life. Discussing and planning strategies to promote their respective career goals comes easily to them and is one of the biggest plusses they have going for them in this relationship. And it’s here that, rather than working against them, the major differences between their Star Signs can actually come in very useful!

'God's Gift' to Each Other

Amal’s Aquarian Venus square Uranus describes a woman with a vast social network made up of people of every type, class and walk in life. Her priceless ‘little black book’ of influential friends and contacts will doubtless be very helpful to George in furthering his professional ambitions.

In turn his huge fortune of $180 million, amassed through his Taurean financial astuteness, will further add to the already bountiful coffers of the rich and successful Lebanese lawyer, propelling her into the ranks of the seriously super-wealthy. These two are ‘god’s gift’ to each other in terms of their ability to improve each other’s standing in life!

An Emancipated Approach to Love

They’re also exceptionally well suited by virtue of their shared desire for personal space and independence and their unpossessive, emancipated approach to love. George’s Venus in Aries and Amal’s Moon in Sagittarius, harmoniously in trine to each other, are both freedom loving signs that won’t tolerate being tied down or bossed around in relationships.

For people with Venus in Aries – like Clooney – the confines of a live-in relationship can be impossibly hard to bear. Hardly surprising then, that in an interview with Playboy Magazine he admitted to feeling ‘cornered’ when he was formerly married. Could it happen again this time? Probably not!

A 'Semi-Detached' Relationship?

In addition to her freewheeling Moon in Sagittarius, Amal’s independent Venus in Aquarius is square to rebellious Uranus. This is a woman for whom the idea of being ‘owned’ or ‘imprisoned’ by a husband or partner is simply unthinkable. Little is known of her previous relationships, but what is clear is that she has never previously allowed herself to be fenced in by love. And in turn she’s unlikely to impose any such restrictions on her man.

Most likely, these two lovers will conduct their marriage on a ‘semi-detached’ basis, each respecting the other’s individuality and liberties, each leading their own lives but regularly coming together for quality couple time. For this pair, monotony and routine can be the kiss of death to romance, while plenty of change and variety can keep it going strong. For sure, if one or both fail to offer the other adequate ‘me’ time and freedom, their prospects of enduring happiness look pretty poor.

Photo by Dreamstime

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