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Which Star Signs Should Sagittarius Date?



Which Star Signs does Sagittarius get along with most easily? What are the best, the worst – and the most intriguing – compatibility matches for Sagittarius? Which Star Signs should a Sagittarius man or woman date?

Sagittarius Compatibility

With its happy-go-lucky, upbeat outlook on life, Sagittarius is a very easy Star Sign to get along with – at least on a casual basis. But because its strong need for freedom can prove challenging in intimate relationships, for optimum compatibility Sagittarius does best with a partner who can cope with its frequent and unpredictable absences and doesn’t mind spending some of the time alone.

Signs Most Compatible With Sagittarius

As a Star Sign ruled by the Element of Fire, the safest bet for a Sagittarius is probably one of the other two Fire Signs, i.e. ARIES or LEO. The favorable 120° – or 4 Signs – spacing between Zodiac Signs in the same Element makes for an especially harmonious relationship and a level of compatibility well above the norm.

Both Aries and Leo are good compatibility matches for Sagittarius since they share Sagittarius’s passionate, enthusiastic and upbeat outlook on life. However, Aries probably just beats Leo as the better compatibility choice for Sagittarius. Because Aries values its own freedom so highly, it finds it relatively easier to handle Sagittarius’s strongly independent streak than the attention-hungry Lion.

Really excellent too, in terms of their ability to harmonize with fiery Sagittarius, while at the same time helping it to look at things more objectively, are the logical Air Signs LIBRA and AQUARIUS, spaced by 60° – or next but one – from Sagittarius. Many believe this kind of Fire-Air combination is actually the ideal – and surely it’s no coincidence that a high proportion of successful compatibility matches are between people with birthdays two Zodiac Signs apart.

What About Another Sagittarius?

So what about another SAGITTARIUS as a good compatibility match? On the plus side, you’ll definitely know what makes them tick, since they embody so many aspects of yourself. Especially with a Sagittarius of the opposite sex, the chances are you’ll be strongly attracted to their best Sagittarian qualities – like their positivity, honesty and incredible sense of humor.

But because we don’t tend to like our bad points when we see them reflected in somebody else, there will also be things about Sagittarius people that you’ll absolutely hate – most likely their restlessness and blunt outspokenness! If so, better take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror!

Signs Least Compatible With Sagittarius

The truth is, Sagittarius, your ideal compatibility match will rarely simply be a clone of yourself (how boring would that be!). But neither, for that matter, should their Star Sign be too astrologically antagonistic to your own.

For this reason, you should be cautious – in the absence of redeeming features – about folk born under the Star Sign of VIRGO. Because Virgo is at a challenging 90° angle (or 3 Sign spacing) from Sagittarius, the differences between you may be so vast, the chances are these people will be too incompatible with you – and just too much hard work!

Of all the Star Signs, Virgo probably qualifies as the worst possible compatibility match for Sagittarius. Due to their extreme diligence and conscientiousness, Virgos may find it harder than just about anyone else to cope with Sagittarius’s happy-go-lucky, maverick lifestyle.

There may also be lesser compatibility challenges with the Signs spaced at 150° (or 5 Signs) from Sagittarius, i.e. TAURUS and CANCER. Traditionally considered to be ‘awkward’, and involving Signs in conflicting elements, these 150° relationships probably won’t be your first choice, but then neither should they be your last. So don’t make the mistake of writing them off as unsuitable – in some cases a love match could work out fine!

Why Opposites Attract

Rather than someone who conflicts with you, Sagittarius, what you’re really looking for, from a Star Sign compatibility point of view, is the kind of person who is able to balance or complement you in some way. For this reason, the Sign diametrically opposite your own, i.e. GEMINI, can be a great compatibility match for you, Sagittarius.

Opposite Star Signs are often magnetically attracted to each other, their strong yin-yang polarity giving them the potential to complete each other like two halves of a perfect whole. When dating a Gemini, passionate Sagittarius can benefit from its opposite Sign’s more rational and cool-headed approach. Sagittarius’s fiery outspokenness tends to be less of a problem when it has socially skilled Gemini by its side.

Neighboring Star Signs

Although Sagittarius is quite different from its immediate neighbors, SCORPIO and CAPRICORN, in reality it can relate quite well to – and frequently enjoys quite a good level of compatibility with – these Star Signs. This is because people whose Sun Sign is Sagittarius often have Mercury or Venus – which can never be far from the Sun – in the preceding or following Signs of Scorpio or Capricorn. Many Sagittarius-Scorpio or Sagittarius-Capricorn couples will therefore embody a number of each other’s characteristics and have far more in common than you might initially expect.

Sagittarius Compatibility ‘Wild Card’

Although not technically recognized as a good compatibility match for Sagittarius because of the discordant 90° angle, PISCES is an intriguing ‘wild card’ partnership choice for the Archer. Respectively ruled, and co-ruled, by Jupiter – the planet of faith, hope and limitless possibilities - Sagittarius and Pisces are closely linked by their lofty ideals and common desire to make the world a better place. If these two can avoid bickering over their conflicting emotional needs and differing takes on issues of truthfulness and morality, they can have lots of fun together making their dreams come true! 

Sagittarius Best Compatibility Match*: ARIES 
Sagittarius Worst Compatibility Match*: VIRGO
* Assuming both people are entirely ‘true to type’ and not allowing for moderating influences in their birth charts.

How Can Sagittarius Improve Their Compatibility?

To improve their chances of getting on better with every Star Sign, Sagittarius should focus on showing others less of their most annoying traits, i.e. their restlessness and unreliability, and more of what's most endearing about them, i.e. their optimism and humor. If you're a Sagittarius, in general everyone will find you easier to live with if you're willing to compromise a little on your need for freedom and accept more responsibilities. This will be particularly important in the case of Star Sign matches which present the biggest compatibility challenges for a Sagittarius, as detailed above.