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Libra - Capricorn Love Compatibility




Libra and Capricorn may well have very little in the way of personality similarities, but this doesn’t necessarily mean they can't experience a good level of love compatibility. In reality it’s often those couples who have the least in common who enjoy the most exciting and stimulating relationships!


Traditionally this combination is considered to be quite difficult! When two people are born under conflicting elements – here Air and Earth – it can be hard for them to fully understand where one another are coming from, and their level of love compatibility is likely to be poor.

Tensions can arise due to their contrasting approach to life – normally quite easygoing and pleasure-seeking when someone has the Sun in Libra, but much more serious and self-disciplined with a Capricorn Sun. To the highly focused Goat, laid-back Libra can seem a bit of a lazy layabout; in turn Libra may see Capricorn as a cheerless workaholic.

There are, of course, some noticeable differences in the things that are most important to them in life – in Libra’s case friendship and companionship – in Capricorn’s case worldly achievement and status – and in a long-term relationship this can often give the sense of being pulled in totally conflicting directions.

However, if each person is prepared to make a few compromises, at a practical level Libra and Capricorn can make quite a good team. For Libra the challenge is to be more prepared to pull its weight in terms of mundane responsibilities, while Capricorn must not omit to give Libra sufficient quality one-on-one time.

Once Libra and Capricorn get their work-play balance right, with the Air sign's charm and brilliant people skills and the Earth sign's relentless ambition, these two can quickly climb the social ladder together.


Temperamentally, Libra and Capricorn really couldn’t be much more different!

By nature, Libra is warm and affectionate and couldn’t live without people – especially a close loving partner. Capricorn is a lot more emotionally self-sufficient, often a bit of a loner, and finds its main fulfillment in life in work and material accomplishment. The Sign of the Scales loves to chatter endlessly, while the Goat can be notoriously tight-lipped and unresponsive.

Earthy Capricorn is a sign that carefully works out its strategies in life, than follows them unswervingly until it has brought them to fruition. The Sign of the Scales is the biggest procrastinator in the Zodiac, and in Capricorn’s eyes can be infuriatingly indecisive and unproductive.

Whether or not these differences create problems between a Libra-Capricorn couple, depends on the willingness of the two people to learn from, and counterbalance, each other’s contrasting styles – and how much they genuinely want this relationship to work.


Sexually, these two signs may not be particularly well matched. Libra – always an incurable romantic – will probably complain that the down-to-earth Goat is a bit too cool and matter of fact and lacking the sentimental touch. In turn, for self-contained Capricorn, the Air sign's desire for constant togetherness and slushy shows of affection can be hard to fulfil at times.

For things to work between these two sexually, Capricorn needs to get more into the ‘hearts and flowers’ approach, while Libra has to develop a little more self-reliance.


Both these Star Signs are strong on verbal etiquette, and both very careful to avoid causing offence by speaking out of turn. Socially, Libra and Capricorn both play by the rules albeit for different reasons – Libra being motivated by the desire to avoid conflict and promote harmony, while Capricorn’s main focus is on projecting a mature and respectable image.

These two Signs’ ultra-politeness is very good for their public relations, but decidedly unhelpful in their personal relationship. Because both are too reticent about openly expressing their true thoughts and feelings, they may hold back on discussing awkward or difficult topics they sense will give rise to disagreements. While this avoidance tactic may keep everything sweet on the surface, it can create trouble for the future, when serious issues that are regularly swept under the rug later come back to haunt them.


A Libra-Capricorn couple can gain much from this relationship in terms of mutual material and social advancement. In stylish, good-looking Libra, Capricorn has found a trophy partner who will help propel them to the top of their game. In hard-working Capricorn, Libra has bagged itself an excellent breadwinner capable of satisfying its taste for life’s little luxuries.

However, there are also likely to be some major sacrifices involved on both sides. Libra may have to accept that for much of the time it will feel rather lonely and neglected, while Capricorn runs the risk that its amorous partner will eventually tire of playing second fiddle to its relentless ambitions and - in the worst case scenario - seek solace in someone else’s arms.