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Aries - Scorpio Love Compatibility




Both being fierce fighters of the first order, Aries and Scorpio have a lot more in common, and are thus more compatible in love, than might at first appear. Their main differences lie in their contrasting battle styles, with Scorpio taking the slow burn approach, while Aries goes for a quick kill.


As far as love compatibility is concerned, some people see this as one of the more challenging Star Sign combinations, with one sign – Aries – ruled by the element of Fire and the other – Scorpio – ruled by the conflicting element of Water. In reality though, things aren’t necessarily as difficult as they might initially appear.

True, a fundamentally different approach to life – open, direct and spontaneous in the case of Aries – secretive and highly controlled in the case of Scorpio – can give rise to some big disagreements and a lot of mutual criticism.

In a long-term relationship, the Ram's compulsive need for personal freedom can sit uncomfortably with Scorpio's controlling tendencies, while to bright and breezy Aries, the Scorpion's brooding intensity can be a huge pain in the ass.

But these two signs also have quite a lot in common. Both being ruled by the planet Mars, they are linked by their shared courage and fighting spirit. This allows them to help each other in their common goal of succeeding in seemingly impossible feats and challenges.

From Aries – a confident risk-taker – Scorpio can learn to be a little less fixed and a little more flexible, while strong-willed Scorpio can teach Aries to develop more sticking power.


Both Aries and Scorpio have very strong emotional reactions, but the manner in which each sign expresses its feelings is actually like chalk and cheese!

Aries’ emotional responses tend to be impulsive, immediate and usually quite short-lived. Scorpio tends to conceal its feelings and finds it hard to let go of anger and sorrows. Basically, Aries is unlikely to hold a grudge, while it takes Scorpio a very long time (if ever!) to forgive and forget.

Easy-come-easy-go Aries may have problems understanding the depth and complexity of Scorpio’s emotions. In particular, it may underestimate its Scorpio partner’s unwillingness ever to give in until it has gotten its own way or wreaked its revenge.


Sexually, the similarly high libido of these two signs can make for an intensely passionate and energetic love life!

But their shared Martian desire for control and conquest, and difficulty in fully surrendering to the other, can result in an ongoing power struggle that sometimes spills over into physical aggression and makes it hard for them to achieve true harmony. Mutual jealousy is probably the biggest issue, however, between these strongly sexed Star Signs.


As strong-minded people with passionately held opinions, these two thrive on a good argument or debate, both being equally direct and outspoken and neither being fazed by what the other throws at them.

Although Aries may appear to come out on top in a minor verbal skirmish, because Scorpio has much better sticking power and has all kinds of crafty tricks up its sleeve, it will usually emerge victorious in case of a longer-term disagreement. Scorpio has more mental cunning than Aries, whose thinking can be quite simplistic, and in this sense is probably the cleverer of the two.

As the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries has a certain mental naiivity and is easily satisfied with superficial answers. Scorpio, on the other hand, possesses a much more probing mind and a capacity for much deeper thinking. Provided the Ram isn’t too headstrong to listen, Scorpio can help it to find more meaningful explanations for complex issues by revealing what lies beneath the surface.


Ferocious arguments and fights, usually resulting from clashes of will or control issues, come with the territory in the case of an Aries-Scorpio love match.

However, because both these signs are intensely passionate people who thrive on plenty of conflict, these challenges aren’t necessarily detrimental to their compatibility score. Insecure Scorpio may, however, have a particular problem here with its tendency towards jealousy, which is easily provoked by Aries’ freedom-loving approach.