If you’re dating a Leo woman, think big! Welcome to the most dazzling, the most majestic, and the most regal of all the Star Signs – the woman who most wants to be boss, least wants to play second fiddle and the greatest prima donna of the entire Zodiac.
Does this mean the Leo woman can be a bit egotistical? Well, if you’re the type of person who thinks less is more and showing off is the height of uncool, then you might see her that way. If, on the other hand, you’re more of a follower than a leader – or you’re looking for a trophy partner – then dating a Leo woman could be very good for you.
Because Leo is a FIRE sign, this woman takes an intensely passionate approach to life. Because Leo is also a FIXED sign, at the same time her pace is slow and steady, she has enormous sticking power and she hates any kind of change or disruption that might interfere with her grand schemes.
Don’t be fooled by the air of superiority emanating from most Leo women, which can make them appear somewhat arrogant at first sight. Okay, they’re a confident, ambitious bunch and not the type ever to sell themselves short. But deep down, most Leo women are actually simple-hearted souls with a transparent, uncomplicated agenda and a fairly simple set of needs.
Like every big cat, to get her purring contentedly, all the Leo woman really wants is for you to stroke her luxuriant mane, tickle her tummy and tell her she’s truly wonderful. It doesn’t take much to bring out this girl’s warm, devoted and extraordinarily generous nature – just a willingness to go along with her naive belief that the entire universe revolves around her!
Get this right and dates with a Leo woman can be unbeatable good fun. Huge lovers of life who both play hard and work hard, women born under this Star Sign are the most likely to show you a good time. In order to be successful, a date with a Leo woman needs to be high-key, exciting, and unashamedly flashy: she’ll be underwhelmed without a real sense of occasion and of course, herself center stage.
The Leo woman can be quite a handful, it’s true. Like the Sun, her ruler, she simply can’t stop radiating her fiery energy, which for some can be deeply heart-warming but for others a bit overpowering. If you’re dating a Leo woman, she’ll light up your life like nobody else – but in return you’ll have to allow her to be the star of the show!
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