Given that Virgo and Gemini belong to conflicting Elements (Air and Earth), they might not be considered a particularly good match. But because they’re both ruled by Mercury (the planet of wit and intellect) they actually have far more in common, and thus a higher level of love compatibility, than one might think.
Traditionally this combination is considered to be quite difficult! When two people are born under conflicting elements – here Earth and Air – it can be hard for them to fully understand where one another are coming from and their level of love compatibility is likely to be quite poor. In reality, though, things aren't quite as difficult as they might initially appear!
True, tensions can arise due to their different ways of going about things – inconsistently and with a tendency to quickly get bored when someone has the Sun in Gemini – as opposed to rather precisely and conscientiously with a Virgo Sun. In a long-term relationship, Virgo can seem too nit-picking and too much of a workaholic to Gemini, while Virgo may see Gemini as an idle flibberty-gibbet.
But Virgo and Gemini also have quite a lot in common. Both ruled by Mercury (the planet of intellect), they are strongly linked at a mental level, possessing the same sharp wit and agility of mind, which makes for lively communication. Provided Virgo can learn to avoid criticizing Gemini’s restlessness and inattention to detail – and Gemini can adjust to Virgo’s much more exacting approach – there’s actually the potential to function relatively harmoniously together.
Emotionally, Virgo and Gemini are quite similar, the responses and reactions of both these signs being governed more by logic and reasoning than by gut feelings. The main difference between them is that while Virgo tends to be an obsessive worrier, Gemini can throw off worries more easily and takes a more light-hearted and witty approach.
Neither Gemini nor Virgo is much good at – or particularly interested in – exploring and expressing deep, complex emotions, preferring to keep their interaction fairly detached and cerebral. While this suits them fine in the short-term, by covering up, or failing to pay sufficient attention to, underlying emotional issues in their relationship, a Virgo-Gemini pair may be storing up trouble for the future.
Only when it is too late, and the hard truths they’ve been trying to avoid finally hit them, may a Virgo-Gemini couple realize that over-rationalizing as a means of explaining away painful feelings they don’t know how to express, isn’t really such a clever idea.
Sexually, Virgo and Gemini aren't among the best matched. Although both have quite a cerebral outlook on love – and both enjoy learning new techniques – Virgo is often too critical and serious about it all for fun-loving Gemini, who can easily get restless. For things to work on a romantic level, Gemini has to overcome its butterfly tendencies, while Virgo needs to be rather less sensible and loosen up a bit.
Both being very rationally minded people who approach issues from a logical rather than an emotional point of view, Gemini and Virgo enjoy a high level of mental compatibility.
These two share the joint award for smartest Star Signs in the Zodiac, although Virgo is a more practical thinker, while Gemini is more intellectually inclined. In other words, Gemini tends to be more interested in exploring ideas for their own sake, whereas down-to-earth Virgo is more focused on putting them to some kind of practical use.
These contrasting perspectives can result in frequent differences of opinion which, although rarely ill-natured, easily turn into a hard-hitting war of words. With equally quick minds and clever tongues, Gemini and Virgo are closely matched in verbal contests. But while Gemini’s arguments are often peppered with humor, Virgo can be mercilessly critical and cruelly sarcastic at times.
Star signs which are three signs or 90° apart in the Zodiac, like Gemini and Virgo, normally have to contend with a lot of compatibility challenges. But Gemini and Virgo are an important exception to this rule. The strong mental rapport they enjoy due to their joint rulership by Mercury gives them a powerful sense of connection and a much higher compatibility score than would otherwise be the case.
Since there’s such a strong emphasis in this relationship on mental activity, a Virgo-Gemini couple do have to be very careful to avoid brain overload and nervous exhaustion. Too much intellectual activity and not enough calm and relaxation can be harmful to this couple’s wellbeing. To avoid driving each other crazy, both people have to make a big effort to stop over-analyzing everything, and switch off and chill out from time to time.
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