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Flirting Tips for Sagittarius with an Aries


Sign Graphic

Born under the Star Sign of Sagittarius, you're the most playful flirt in the Zodiac!

If you're typical of your Star Sign, your instinctive seduction style is open, friendly and light-hearted. For you, seduction is always a fun adventure - a chance to spread your wings, try out your luck and have a bit of a laugh. Not to be taken too seriously of course; you're far too respectful of your own - and others' - freedom.

More than anyone, you understand that humor is the greatest aphrodisiac. No question, wit is your most powerful weapon of seduction, and a good joke your most successful pick-up line. You learnt early on in life that clowning around wins you more friends than trying to look cool and dignified. Now you confidently use your comedian skills to score in the game of love.

A formidable technique! But how well is it likely to work on the other 12 star signs? And how best can you modify it to improve your chances of seduction success?

Flirting with an Aries

Okay, you're pretty much on the right lines here, since this Star Sign tends to respond quite positively to your cheeky, fun-loving flirting style.

Bear in mind, though, that Rams are highly independent creatures. Their freedom means a lot to them - as yours does to you. It's a mistake, then, to say or do anything that might threaten their sense of control.

Your worst tactic with any Sun Sign Aries is to come across as rather too cocky and challenging. Your best tactic is to play your cards carefully and let them think they're in charge.

What's important to understand about people born under this Star Sign is that they approach seduction rather like a military campaign. Highly proactive, they always prefer to take the initiative and go immediately on the attack. So really it's a no-brainer: By far the easiest way to score with them is to allow them to make the first move.

The secret of successful flirting is to adapt your technique to the particular Star Sign you're attempting to impress. Get inside their head, know what makes them tick and you're off to an excellent start!