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Flirting Tips for Leo with a Scorpio


Sign Graphic

Born under the Star Sign of Leo, you're the most flamboyant flirt in the Zodiac!

If you're typical of your Star Sign, your instinctive seduction style is passionate, confident and full-on. For you, love is always a big number which has to be accompanied by bright lights, rockets firing and a loud fanfare. What's more,you know exactly how to set the scene by creating an irresistible sense of theater and romance.

Because no-one better understands the power of flattery as a weapon of seduction, you're a master of the art of giving - and receiving - compliments. Generous in your praise of others, you're also happy to show off shamelessly to get them worshipping at your shrine. When it comes to attracting attention, you know all the tricks!

A formidable technique! But how well is it likely to work on the other 12 Star Signs? And how best can you modify it in order to maximize your chances of seduction success?

Flirting with a Scorpio

To improve your chances with this Star Sign, try taking a somewhat subtler and stealthier approach!

Bear in mind that Sun Sign Scorpios are suspicious creatures and will be wary of your motives until they feel they can trust you. They're highly defensive of their privacy - and if they sense they're under any kind of attack, you'll soon feel the sting in their tail.

Your worst move, then, is to come across as overly intrusive and threaten their sense of control. Your best move is to play it a bit cool at first and avoid revealing your hand too soon.

What's important to understand about people born under this Star Sign is that they love a challenge and they're turned on by mystery and intrigue.

Attract their interest by giving the impression of being slightly enigmatic, either by what you say or what you do. Try catching their eye a few times, then immediately looking away. When talking about yourself, tempt them with one or two snippets which will make them want to find out more.

The secret of successful flirting is to adapt your technique to the particular Star  Sign you're attempting to impress. Get inside their head, know what makes them tick and you're off to an excellent start!