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Flirting Tips for Capricorn with a Capricorn


Sign Graphic

Born under the Star Sign of Capricorn, you're the shrewdest flirt in the Zodiac!

If you're typical of your Star Sign, your instinctive seduction style is serious and well organized. In fact every move is likely to be carefully planned and calculated as a means of getting what you want - you're not one to leave things to chance! No worries if it takes a bit of time and perseverance. Your determination is legendary - and you always play to win.

Where love is concerned, you're a pragmatic realist. No-one better understands the pulling power of wealth and status as a weapon of seduction - and you're not afraid to flaunt your worldly achievements in order to lure your prey. For you, attracting a mate is fundamentally about winning their admiration and respect.

A formidable technique! But how well is it likely to work on the other 12 Star Signs? And how best can you modify it in order to maximize your chances of seduction success?

Flirting with a Capricorn

Not necessarily the easiest challenge for you, but at least you're on home ground! When flirting with a fellow Goat , you'll certainly be wise to all their tricks - when it comes to shrewd tactics, you give as good as you get.

The problem, though, is that since you're both quite aspirational, there's inevitably going to be some competitiveness going on - and the chances are you'll each be trying to prove that you're the most successful and the most deserving of respect. There's a big risk here of coming across as overly serious and insufficiently romantic, while missing the point that flirting is supposed to be fun!

Your worst move, then, with another Capricorn is to get into a silly ego contest. Your best move is to create a strong sense of connection by proving how wonderful you BOTH are! Attract their interest by pointing out any similarities you've noticed between the two of you, focusing particularly on your common triumphs and achievements.

The secret of successful flirting is to adapt your technique to the particular Star Sign you're attempting to impress. Get inside their head, know what makes them tick and you're off to an excellent start!