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Relationship Analysis Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : an Aries and Mel Gibson



Claim to Fame: Award-Winning Actor/Film-Maker.
Birth Data: Born at 4.45 PM on 3rd January 1956 in Peekskill, New York, USA.
Sun Sign: Capricorn.

People born under the Sun Sign of CAPRICORN tend to express their love for others in a highly practical way. Since they take their relationships very seriously, they put real effort into making them work, willingly shouldering many of the responsibilities and showing great dependability. With their strong respect for antiquity, their artistic and material tastes tend to be quite classical and traditional. Down-to-earth, patient and reliable, these guys are in for the long haul!


Actually, not very compatible!

Your level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Capricorn may not be all that high. Your own Sun Sign, which is the fire sign Aries, isn't a particularly good match for this sign. This is because signs which are three signs apart in the Zodiac, such as Capricorn and Aries, don't always blend harmoniously with each other and often have some difficulties in getting on.

As a result you may not readily identify with their somewhat cautious approach to relationships (you tend to be rather more fiery and spontaneous!). And you may have different tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes and activities you enjoy.

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