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Personal Relating Potential Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : a Sagittarius and Kylie Minogue



Claim to Fame: Australian-Born, Award-Winning Pop Diva.
Birth Data: Born at 11.00 AM on 28th May 1968 in Melbourne, Australia.
Sun Sign: Gemini.

People born under the Sun Sign of GEMINI tend to take a cerebral approach to love, expressing their affections through the medium of words. Because love, for them, is largely about communication and the sharing of thoughts and ideas, achieving a good mental understanding with loved ones is of paramount importance. Their big pleasures in life revolve around sourcing information and then discussing it with others. Sociable, fun and witty, it’s hard to get bored with these guys around!


Actually fairly compatible!

You may experience quite a high level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Gemini. Your own Sun Sign, which is Sagittarius, is often a good match for this sign. This is because signs which are opposite each other in the Zodiac, such as Gemini and Sagittarius, tend to balance one another in a positive way.

As a result, Sun in Gemini’s rationality and detachment can be nicely offset by your rather more fiery and passionate approach. At the same time you’re likely to possess complementary tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes you enjoy.

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