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May 2024 Relationships Horoscope for All Star Signs



May 2024’s key astrological events and how they’re likely to play out in our relationships:

Wednesday 1st May
Venus square Pluto

Beltane or May Day, which marks the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, has traditionally been associated with fertility in that it celebrates the sacred union of God and the Goddess. As a result it has always been a very popular time for weddings and romantic vows. This year it is accompanied by a compelling Square aspect between Pluto (the planet of intensity) and Venus (the planet of love), deepening and strengthening any commitments made now. Take advantage of this powerful spiritual energy to set your new or existing relationship on the right footing for future happiness and longevity.

Saturday 18th May
Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus

If today you’re swept off your feet by someone exceptionally good looking, remember that beauty isn’t just skin deep. Venus conjunct Uranus is well known for its tendency to ignite sudden romantic attractions which in this case are most likely to be of a physical nature due to Venus’s placement in gorgeous Taurus. If you find yourself falling for a visually beguiling stranger, it might be wise to first check out what lies beneath their superficial beauty before getting too involved.

Thursday 23rd May
Full Moon in Sagittarius
Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus

Because Full Moons tend to bring things to culmination and fruition, this Full Moon in Sagittarius (the Sign that rules moral beliefs) gives us the opportunity to affirm our ethical values and be sure about where we stand  Now is the time to draw on all the life lessons we’ve learned over the last 6 months (since the Sagittarius New Moon) and then use this understanding to put our beliefs into practice. The concurrent Venus/Jupiter conjunction suggests this will involve being more magnanimous towards our loved ones, and since it falls in Taurus – the Sign that rules money – this newfound generosity may well be of a financial nature.

Saturday 25th May
Jupiter enters Gemini

Today Jupiter, the planet of expansion, begins its twelve month sojourn in Gemini, the Sign that rules learning and communication. Because mentally we’ll all be more confident and our minds should be more adaptable and agile than usual, picking up new information and then exchanging ideas with others should come more easily to us. Consequently this will be a good year for everyone who wants to improve their education in some way. This could be either through starting a study course or through developing our social contacts in order to talk to people who can teach us something we need to know. Diversity is the key here. Gemini is a sign that prefers to spread itself widely rather than focus too intently on one area alone.

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Read the 2023 Love Horoscope for YOUR Star Sign!