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'Who's Your Perfect Partner' for Angelina Jolie

What kind of person are you likely to be happiest with - and who should you avoid?


Sun signs make a good starting point in assessing who you're most likely to click with. But for a more detailed picture of your perfect partner, we have to take a look at your entire birth chart. In particular, we need to consider the sign on the cusp of the 7th House (the area of the chart associated with partnerships). It’s here that you’ll find a description of your “other half” and the qualities you need in a lover in order to make you feel more whole. You'll also get some useful tips on the kind of person you’d do well to avoid.

In your case, Capricorn on your 7th House cusp suggests you’re best off with someone of a mature disposition and with a fairly conservative outlook on life. Practical, serious-minded and above everything totally reliable, this will be a person capable of shouldering many of the responsibilities in the partnership. No need for them to be particularly glamorous or exciting; all that really matters is that they should never let you down.

The bottom line is that your perfect partner is someone who can give your status an extra boost and help you in achieving the material comfort and security which are so essential to your wellbeing. Quite likely they will be successful in their business or career, and perhaps they will be a higher earner than yourself. Certainly they will be ambitious, hard-working and sensible with money.

This kind of support is important to you, not because you’re disinterested in financial affairs, but simply because at heart you’re too much of a homebody – and probably far too family-oriented – to want to commit yourself fully to such things. To free you up to focus on what you love, you need someone by your side who’s a little bit tougher than yourself with more time to devote to the big bad world.

Don’t go overboard though and end up with a crashing bore who’s so focused on work and personal advancement they have no time for fun and relaxation – or for being with you. Steer well clear, too, of the cold fish who are too austere, too self-controlled and too emotionally inhibited to show you much love and affection. You’re far too much of a softie to be able to cope with this kind of neglect.

Especially in your case, you should never enter into a binding romantic partnership without carefully weighing up all the practical considerations. Despite your sensitivity, this is one area of your life where it’s important to be guided by your head as well as your heart. “Get married in haste, repent at leisure” is a maxim that applies strongly to you!

Actually, as an individual, you’re more likely to find the perfect partner by waiting until you’re at least 28 to 30 before deciding to settle down, or else by choosing a partner who’s somewhat older than yourself. That way either you – or they – will have a much better chance of having developed the necessary maturity required to make this placing work. Anyone too young in years or attitude, or anyone too unconventional, may be insufficiently dependable to meet your needs, and may land you with unwelcome burdens.


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