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Partner Relationship Personality Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : a Scorpio and Madonna



Claim to Fame: Award-Winning Songwriter/Pop Icon.
Birth Data: Born at 7.05 AM on 16th August 1958 in Bay City, Michigan, USA.
Sun Sign: Leo.

People born under the Sun Sign of LEO generally take an intensely passionate approach to love, expressing their affections in a highly demonstrative way. With their powerful sense of drama, they’re good at big romantic gestures – and they know how to make their loved ones feel really special and valued. As dedicated party animals, their main pleasures in life tend to revolve around socializing and entertainment. Generous, loyal and affectionate, they’ll bring a lot of sunshine into your life!


Actually not very compatible!

Your level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Leo may not be all that high. Your own Sun Sign, which is the water sign Scorpio, isn’t a particularly good match for this sign. This is because signs which are three signs apart in the Zodiac, such as Leo and Scorpio, don’t always blend harmoniously with each other and often have some difficulties in getting on.

As a result you may not readily identify with their flamboyant and open way of relating to others (you tend to be rather more guarded!). And you may have different tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes and activities you enjoy.

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