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Partner Romantic Forecast Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : a Cancer and Julia Roberts



Claim to Fame: Award-Winning Actress.
Birth Data: Born at 12.16 AM on 28th October 1967 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Sun Sign: Scorpio.

People born under the Sun Sign of SCORPIO take a highly passionate approach to love, expressing their affections in a particularly powerful way. Because their feelings run so deep, they tend to give their all to their loved ones, offering them total security and serving as an immense support to them. With their love of intensity, they enjoy emotionally stirring cultural activities – and like the best of quality in everything. Strong, loyal and sexy, they’re everything you could ever need!



Actually very compatible!

You’re likely to experience a high level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Scorpio. Your own Sun Sign, which is Cancer, is a good match for this sign. This is because signs of the same element, here water, tend to blend harmoniously with each other and generally get on well.

As a result you can probably readily identify with their strongly emotional way of relating to others. And you may share the same tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes and activities you enjoy.

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