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Partner Relationship Personality Report

Celebrity Dream Dates : an Aquarius and Mariah Carey



Claim to Fame: Award-Winning Singer/Songwriter.
Birth Data: Born at 11.45 AM on 27th March 1970 in Long Island, New York, USA.
Sun Sign: Aries.

People born under the Sun Sign of ARIES tend to be highly assertive in their approach to love. Preferring always to take the initiative, they generally make the first move in starting or ending relationships. Always ready to take a chance, they’re big on spontaneity - yet at the same time very careful never to compromise their freedom. Because they thrive on risk and excitement, they enjoy all kinds of high-adrenalin activities. Passionate and gutsy, these girls will give you a huge energy buzz!


Actually quite compatible!

You’re likely to experience a reasonably high level of compatibility with people whose Sun Sign is Aries. Your own Sun, which is in the air sign Aquarius, is quite a good match for this sign. This is because air signs and fire signs tend to blend harmoniously with each other and generally get on well.

As a result you can probably readily identify with these people's outgoing and free-spirited approach. And you may share similar tastes in terms of the kind of pastimes and activities you enjoy.

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