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Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Compatibility


  • Romance
  • Sexual Compatibility
  • Friendship
  • Commitment
  • Emotional Empathy
  • Communication
  • Humor and Fun
Sexual Compatibility
Emotional Empathy
Humor and Fun
Challenging! Be prepared for a few issues at some point in this category.
So-So! You may need to work on things a little bit here.
Statistically bang on average in terms of the scores most matches achieve!
Good! Your level of compatibility is well above average.
Hot! Your compatibility should be exceptionally good.
Awesome! Less than 3% of all matches score this high!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's love compatibility has scored highly in the following categories:

Romantic Possibilities Between Harry and Meghan:
When these two are together the world can seem a much nicer place, and the feeling of happiness they get from being together just comes shining through. It's all down to the strong spirit of harmony between this couple - symbolized in their charts by a beautiful aspect between Meghan's Venus and Harry's Sun - that can potentially create a powerful romantic attraction. This pair genuinely seem to like one another, and Meghan may have a particular admiration for Harry's intelligence and practicality. The warmth and affection they express to each other can make both of them feel truly loved and appreciated - which means this relationship could have an exceptionally positive effect on their self-esteem.

Humor and Fun in Harry and Meghan's Relationship:

Scintillating mental chemistry between Harry and Meghan means they spark off each other's wit and find it easy to make one another laugh. There are likely to be plenty of amusing quips, risqué jokes and some clever play on words in their mental interaction. They may even tend to compete with each other over who can come up with the most outrageous things to say! With Meghan, Harry feels able to express his true opinions, however shocking or offbeat, in a way he can't with other people, and finds that Meghan really clicks with his exceptionally clever (and often quite sarcastic) brand of humor.

*Compatibility Star Ratings are based on a sophisticated analysis and comparison of both people's full birth charts, taking into account hundreds of astrological variables of key significance in a love relationship.

